Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sorry I haven't updated in a really long time. Lets see, I was really stressed out by the last week of break. I was having tons of fun, then it went to doing nothing and not knowing why. But I got to school, which was nice. I got my hopes up again about this one boy I liked. But he wouldn't show up to anything he said he would and stopped hanging out with me. I decided that I needed to know what happend since I didn't think he was as big of a jerk as his behavior earilier. I found out that he was just scared of relationships and was too scared to tell me that. So, that was a big relief to find out. I wasn't mad at him then. I didn't want to be mad at the nicest guy I know here. My classes are pretty hard, but really interesting. I'm taking 3 of my favorite teacher's classes. I realized once again that I don't fit into any of my crowds here very well. I have three groups- The activist group, the drinking group, the drugs group, and the drama group. I'm trying to not hang out with the psychotic group, even though one of my old best friends are in that group. I don't drink or do drugs, so those groups think I'm up tight. I feel nearly conservative when I'm with the hippy activist group. The drama group is more excepting but controlling and probably a time bomb for who's going to start fighting with who soon. I'm trying to do my own thing and not worry about it too much. Hopefully I'll make some new friends or at least prove to the other groups that I'm not uptight, I just don't like doing stupid and/or illegal things.


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