Friday, February 17, 2006

My classes rock! It's been a while since I've felt that gitty, inspired, excitement from anything. We watched the documentary "Eyes on the Prize" (Civil rights movement documentary). It's awesome, I reccomend it to everyone. Also, my sociology of gender class rocks too! Awesome articles, awesome lectures, totally inspiring. It's made so many things so clear. I usually have high expectations going into classes like that but also expect to be somewhat disapointed. That class actually went way beyond my dream expectations of it. It's covered feminism, gender identity on so many levels, etc. I can't even explain all the ways it rocks! I love that teacher! She's so smart, funny, nice, and so many other amazing qualities that would take too long to list.
I went to yoga class last night. There was a specail substitute teacher. The male teachers tend to do more with strength than the female teachers, I've noticed (not always though). It was a really good class. He's a really great man personally. I usually feel self-conscious in yoga class, especailly if their are guys there, but that guy has a way of just making you feel good about whatever you're doing. Sorry, I'm sensing themes in this entry, lol. I'll try not to obssess. I've just been incredibly impressed by certain people lately.


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