Friday, October 07, 2005

So, I've talked to six people so far about how they percieve me (if I seem date-able and what-not). Two of my male friends that I have no interest in said they can't see me with a husband or even a boyfriend because I don't flirt with anyone and I have major trust issues. Two of my bisexual female friends said that they would have a crush on me but assume I was in a relationship and possibly out of their league :-) lol. I also asked a boy who I've had some mild interest in and flirted with a bit. He said that he thought I seem cool and laid back with other good qualities and that I come across as very shy. The other boy I asked has known me for a few years but doesn't know me really well. He said that I seem like I'm very content with my life and aren't looking for a boyfriend at all, that I project an image of "talk to me if you're my friend but nobody else and it won't be anything more than friends". He said that I seem very distant and uninterested in everyone at the paries we go to (and he's been at most the parties I go to). So, that's been really interesting and educational. I think the message is that I need to show more interest if I'm actually interested in someone. I'm usually not interested in anyone though and I usually am glad that I took the time to know people as friends before I even thought about liking or dating them. I might have to be aware of all of that and experiment with trying new ways of socializing with people. Hmm, I just realized how dorky social-psychology this entry sounds, lol. Mmmm sociology.


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