Saturday, August 27, 2005

Things not to do to impress a girl:
1. Don't make fun of your friend just because you want to sound better then her ex-boyfriend, especially if she and her ex are still friends.
2. Don't tell her you know every detail about her previous sex life.
3. Don't tell obvious, blatant lies
4. Don't tease her and make her think there are bugs in her hair.
5. Don't touch her if she constantly backs away from you and tries to not sit by you.
6. Don't stare at her at dinner.
7. Don't tell her that she should lower her standards of not wanting to sleep with a guy right away by saying that sex right away is a "loving thing to do".
8. Don't make her feel bad about the way her ex boyfriends treated her
9. Don't blatantly try to sell yourself in every way you think she'd be impressed by, especially when you don't know her.
10. Don't tell a girl you're interested in her right after you told her you know every detail about how he thought her ex's used her for sex and that she shouldn't hold herself back with abstinence, even if it's in the hopes of not getting hurt anymore.

Unfortunately one guy did all of these in the last week. It didn't work so well. I was kind of mad and a bit creeped out.


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