Monday, September 05, 2005

Ex-boyfriend in town, felt lonely. Went to party. % of straight, single, non-compulsive liars, men who haven't cheated on me already= 0%. Felt sad the next day, went to party. One nice boy- 17 and has "behavioral issues" though. Sunday felt sad, didn't want to watch ex-boyfriend kissing his new girlfriend, wondering if he’s more romantic for her, if he’s different with her than he was with me, wishing I had someone to cuddle with again, wondering why he’s able to date nice people and why I’m still feeling too bad about myself to believe someone would want to be with me, wondering what he see's in her that he'd like better than me. I went to see other friends. We were talking about hypotheticals and my friends told me they can't see me ever having a husband in the future b/c I have major trust issues, and because of some other flaws they see in me. So in conclusion, I'm not very happy right now.


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