Tuesday, December 07, 2004

So, I haven't posted in a long time. I'm trying to think of what's happened since the last post. I decided that I was too freaked out about the guys I'm dating. I dumped them all and decided not to go out with them again. (one was a pure asshole, one was ok but moody and I wasn't attracted to him, and the other one was too horny, boring, and I wasn't attracted to him). I decided from now on that it's so much better to have friends that become more, instead of the 1950s style dating. I want to get to know the person first before it becomes more. I hate the expectation of physical stuff even before I know them. I also would get a chance to find out if I like them like that without the pressure. I think people probably get hurt more by dating then by having friends that turn to more, because I wouldn't have dated them (and vise versa) if I had been friends with them first, and no one would have hard feelings because no one went out. Two of those guys would have been crappy friends too.
I also realized that there are a lot of crazy and annoying people in my life still. I had a moment where I realized that it was the last straw. I need to be assertive and also change my environment. I appreciate my sane, kind friends so much more now. I've been a lot happier this week, since I started hanging out with the good people more and avoiding the bad ones. That sounds like commons sense, but I was just trying to be nice to everyone before.

Yeah! Vince is coming soon! That's awesome! I'm so excited I don't even know what to say other than that's awesome he'll be here soon!!!!!


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