Monday, October 11, 2004

Wednesday- Three new Feminist Club members! Ya!

Thursday- I got to plan and be in charge of the Pride meeting (the president was at another meeting). Big party at Farv's house. I didn't get home until like 5am, didn't get to sleep until 8am ish.

Friday- The girl's and I decided to not party since we had partied so hard yesterday. We played cards instead.

Saturday- Pride helped to bring Journey to a Hate-free Millinium to the school. Romain Patterson was the speaker (Mathew Shepard's best friend), then there was the JHFM movie. It was amazing. Most people there were crying. It all hit so close to home. They showed pictures of Columbine and some stuff DU did in memory of the holocaust. They also showed this place in Denver that was like a suportive lgbt club that I've been. It was eering seeing all these places that I've been to and that are right by my house on a movie like that. It was a really moving movie. I recomend it to anyone who has a club, church, organization that might want to show it. (they will happily let you play it if you contact them).

Later that night we had a party with Jefferson. We watched hours and hours of Family Guy and played cards. We didn't get home until after 7am. I wanted to go home earlier, but no one else did and I didn't realize how close we were to the school. That kind of sucked. I got mad because no one was listening to me the whole night (ex: telling my friend that his jokes were offending the girls. He didn't listen even after the 5th time Zefer threw her water bottle at him). (ex: Me telling him to leave my jacket with me so I wont forget it- he put it in the other room that we couldn't get into and I had to walk home without my jacket). There were more examples too.

Sunday- I woke up late in the afternoon, had dinner, felt like a slacker. I made a schedule and a plan to get organized again. I really need to get more work done for school. I still got distracted a few times but mostly I was able to turn everyone down who asked for my time and help (I've been doing so much to help other people with stuff they should do themselves that I don't have time for my homework and I get really stressed out).

Monday- I went to all my classes and work. I have 3 hours to do homework before I have a discussion meeting for National Coming Out Day. I'm excited because I was the one to think of and plan this event so I hope it goes well.


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