Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Tuesday was fun, mostly. We went to Farva's place for a while and played card games. Then we drove around and did stuff. lol, I would say more but I admit nothing! Then we went to Village Inn. Their pancakes are the very best in the early morning hours. They're kind of disapointing durring the day when you're fully awake. It was a fun night to look back on since nothing bad happend. I was pissed and yelled at Joel for making fun of me for being concerned for people's safety. I was really pissed that they don't take anything I say seriously, especially when I know better than they do about something. I say if you break one law, stick to that one and don't get in trouble with the police for something stupid like speeding and breaking traffic laws. I say that it's fine to do stupid things as long as you don't do them in stupid ways!
I decided last night to not go out. I decided to stay home and do laundry and homework and go to bed early.


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