Thursday, September 02, 2004

I like lists so I'll make a list of stuff that happend this week. It was kind of a slow week.
1. Bad cough. I keep waking myself up at night by coughing. I also freak out people around me and the usually don't sit by me two days in a row, lol. That's ok, they still talk to me, they just don't sit very close to me.
2. homework.
3. eating food
4. sleeping
5. yoga starts tonight I think. I've been looking forward to that.
6. a couple people think I'm stocking them now, lol. I sat by them in the cafeteria and now I keep running into them and accidently doing weird, emberising things infront of them.
7. Trying to find some interesting hobbies and interests. So far I have sociology, psychology, reading, sewing, feminism, philosophy, LGBT stuff, yoga, working out, interior decorating, painting, us history, going for walks, music, writing, gardening, crafts. I want more though. So if anyone has any suggestions, that would be cool.


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