Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I was reading Kevin's live journal from a few days ago. I really liked the part that he looked back on where he was in his life in 3month incraments. I've actually been thinking about that before I had read it on his site. I was thinking about how much things have changed considering where I was a year ago. It's also cool/weird to think about where you were few years ago. So here is my three month at a time past:

- school: going to classes now, being productive, doing a little more homework, still falling behind though and having a hard time prioritizing things.
- friends: Some cool friends at the school and other people I just hang out with and maybe still consider friends.
- relationships: scared to like anyone right now. 2 crushes. Trying to be open minded but still more scared of getting hurt than anything.
- mood: Mostly happy, mostly confused about everything, overwhelmed, stressed out, periods of being angry and confused

3 months ago:
- school: school was out, was working 2 jobs
- friends: some friends in town. Mostly Jefferson and my friends who I can't relate to any more.
- relationships: disapointed and hurt from past relationships. Bitter and angry toward everyone. Refused to even think about having a crush.
- mood:bitter, angery, confused, depressed, etc.

6 months ago:
- school: slacking off completely, not going to class often, little homework done
- friends: really cool friends!
-relationships: good relationship, some what flawed but mostly good. Had fun being with him. Kind of worried about the relationship but not too worried.
- mood: overall good, felt like a slacker though, stressed about relationship and friend stuff every once in a while though.

9 months ago:
- school: working somewhat hard in school
- friends: awesome friends!
- relationships: I was just getting back into a really bad relationship with ex boyfriend.
- mood: still sad from all the drama of past few months, confused, hoped to be more independent.

12 months ago:
- school: totally inspired, did lots of homework and went to all my classes.
- friends: just started to make a few good friends, was starting to have more fun than I ever had before.
- relationships: Was in a bad relationship with one person but moving into what I thought would be a really great relationship. Extremely excited about the new boyfriend who I though was awesome.
- mood: extremely happy, confident, self assured, and hopeful


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