Monday, October 25, 2004

Fall break was fun. I got away for a while and got away from everything anoying here. I had a little bit of time to think and not have to listen to anyone else. Last week went by quickly. I hung out with Pat and Colby on Thursday night. We ended up sitting in a laundry room talking until morning, lol. Then we realized that it was morning and we were in a laundry room at the apartments that none of us lived in. lol.
On Friday, the guys who asked out Tara and I offered to cook us dinner. They made a really good meal. Then we watched a movie (Scary movie III). It was a little awkward and I don't really feel like we know each other any better. He seemed like he could be nice but I don't know. I might just be freaked out, or it could be a healthy amount of caution on my part. I don't know.
On Saturday, Phoenix had a dinner party. I played match maker and set him and my friend up. They both knew it was a blind date. It went well so that was cool. I invited Kaylan, Pat, Tom, Eric, and Colby to the dinner too. It was fun. We watched Apen Extreme, Vampires, and Joan of Arc.


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