Tuesday, February 22, 2005

This break has been interesting. Some drama between friends, but nothing too horrible.
I went to a party last night, it was interesting. There was a lot of talk about politics, sociology, and religion. I found it interesting. I have tons of homework and club work to do, hopefully I can get it all done soon.
I tried dating again. I went out on a few dates with a guy (over a couple weeks). I thought I was freaking out because I was scared of dating, relationships, and guys. But I realized that he really wasn't what I would be looking for in a guy. I hope that I won't freak out if I do date a cool guy. I think I want to date. It would be nice to have someone to hang out with and cuddle with, etc. There's maybe a couple of aquaintances that I'd like to get to know better. It's been hard seeing the people I do like cuddling and kissing their girlfriends. It made me realize that I might want that too.
I think I might be getting sick. I can't think very well, I'm oddly sensitive to temperature, and my nose is sniffly. :-(


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