Sunday, January 30, 2005

I told my cool Grandma that I would go to church with her today. My cousins and aunt go there too. My cousins (5 and 7 years old) got to prepare a small show and tell for the congregation. It was cute. My aunt said that she always gets nervous when they give her children microphones, lol. They do tend to blurt out things. My grandma called me at 9am to make sure I was up because she really wanted me to come. I thought it was sweet. She asked if I wanted to go to the grocery store too. I told her sure. She bought me a plant (which was cheap). Then she made me lunch. Then insisted that I took home all of the left overs, including an intire bag of chips. I kept trying to say that I had to leave, but she kept talking about somthing new. I finnally had to sneak out before she tried to feed me again, lol. I was over there from 10:30-4:30. I love seeing my Grandparents (on that side of the family), but I feel really guilty when the buy me things or make me things or try to feed me so much. I know that if I go there any time of the day, she will try to feed me. And if your there for lunch, you'll probably end up staying for dinner too, some how. My aunt also invited me to have dinner with them on Friday and also has found a guy she thinks would be a good boyfriend for me, lol. My little cousin tried to give me beads from his pocket (he also shared them with random people he met at church too, lol). They all are so cool. I don't know if I like that church as much as I might like the unitarian church, but it's nice to be able to see everyone more.


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