Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I went to see the movie White Noise. I was interested in the movie and my friend Keli really wanted to see it, so I went along. It was a sad movie that was kind of boring and poorly written. It wasn't that disturbing really, it just reminded me of other disturbing movies I've seen. It reminded me of why I don't like scary movies. I'm trying to figure out what exactly disturbs me the most about those movies so I can understand and explain to people why I like some scary movies but not others. I also want to know why other people like scary movies (like the psychology of why different people like certain kinds of scary and disturbing movies). I like scary movies that make me scared for a while but has a clear ending that makes you feel better and wont scare you when you leave the theatre. I also like movies that are completely not disturbing or violent in any way. My two favorite scary movies are Signs and The Village. I probably sound like a wuss but I really don't want or need bad images in my mind. I'm already paranoid and untrusting enough, scary movies just make it worse for me.


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