Wednesday, June 23, 2004

So this has been a bad week. I kept getting grounded and yelled at for breaking curfew. I've been getting stomach aches every time I'm near my parents or have to talk to them. I didn't get to go camping with Sean for Summer Solstice, like I was looking forward to since the beginning of summer. I got to see him on Sunday, but we ended up breaking up. I think we had something good, but it wasn't what it should or could be. It was like there was something missing, a deeper connection. I do miss him now. We had a lot of fun together and I really did like him. But it's probably for the best that we broke up. I think that the best thing to do is watch lots of chick-flicks and cheesy love movies, eat lots of chocolate ice cream, remember all the good times, and remember that there is going to be many other people out there that will be more compatible for both of us.


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