Friday, October 28, 2005

Yeah for Halloween! I love it! I'm currently making decorations for my room and door. Good fun.

I just saw House of Wax. I swore I would never watch that movie, but they played it during dinner time in the cafeteria, and I ended up watching the whole thing. I covered my eyes a lot and it was still pretty icky, but not too horribly bad.

I've made myself watch some scary movies for the sake of Halloween and for the sake of not "repressing or censoring" myself too much. I did decide to not go to the disturbing goth art show, that's a little too disturbing and not enough fun. I think it'll be awesome when I have kids durring Halloween. We'll bake cookies, make costumes, have parties, trick-or-treat, make decorations, and other fun/cute Halloween things. It's all the fun of Halloween, but purposely not too scary or creepy. And you have to love dressing up babies as peas or bunnies. :-)


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