Monday, July 11, 2005

Gee Wiz! I was planning on waking up at 9:30am this morning, so I went bed around 1am. I ended waking up at 3pm! That's so wild! I was groggy for a long time because of that. Work was good, I had a lot to do. I've discovered how much people tell me random personal things because they know I'm feminist/bi/psychology student, lol. I think I hear more about people's periods, menopause symptoms, same-sex fantasies, and confessional type things about their love-lives and personal lives. I find it amusing, I just think it's funny. I realized this when the third person in the last couple days told me all about their menopause symptoms, lol. I love and okcupid. I put on my profile how much I like sociology. Two really smart people have contacted me with some of thier ideas. One guy has talked to me about his theories of relationships and the other guy has theories about dystopias. That's pretty cool.
Wow, I also had an arguement with someone about why our country is doing fine and I shot down a couple of his really libral points. I started to scare myself! lol. I'm not too worried though. I'm still a bit worried that my friend last year told me that my belief were basically Mormon. I checked out a couple books about it to see if that's true. So far it seems that I'm not actually Mormon and she was just trying to get me to talk to the missionaries. I still think I'm a libral, non-Mormon, non-Christian, feminist person. lol.


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