Friday, May 26, 2006

Deadlines! Deadlines! AHHH! I had so many ideas! The deadlines for things keep passing though. First session of classes started, same for housing. I missed calling people on time and making arrangements for housing in Boulder, Colorado Springs, or Denver (Ahh!). My options looked like parents house, maybe Denver housing, or SLC. I haven't looked into SLC jobs enough and I'd have to abandon my boss here, as a couple of waitresses are about to quit. I daydream about SLC a lot. Then I think about my friends here. I don't particularly want to go back to GJ because of hurt feelings, drama, and boredom. I need at least a little break from GJ to get over and let go of all of that. Hmmm. Ok, I just need to decide. I think I'd be able to make myself happy with any of my options currently. But I need to prepare mentally and pack for them differently. Hmmm. Ok, ok. Options-
1. SLC, $300 month rent, possible internship. Hiking, library, new enviro, get away from everything.
2. Work in Denver at old job. Maybe get internship or volunteer job. Live at parents house (ahh!) or desperately try to find housing.
3. GJ- summer school, possible internship where I might be for a year or so more. Found out my parents will pay for housing ($520 a month). Drama, hurt feelings, mean friends, smallest city, worst libraries.

Ok, I think I've decided. I'll combine the ideas. Stay in Denver for another month and a half (ish). Work at restaurant. Try for fun volunteer job. Try to get over drama and hurt feelings issues with GJ. (that should be enough time, I hope). Then summer class at GJ and possibly an internship. Then, I won't pay any rent all summer, and possibly not even for food. Get a break from GJ, get to work at my old job for a bit and help my boss, get school credit, etc. That's awesome! I think. I hope. Yeah. That's good. Very good. Hmmm. I'll feel better soon. I've been over whelmed by all the planning and not deciding. Maybe I'll live in SLC next summer. I had a plan before of living in CO Springs one summer (b/c it's pretty but I can't handle their winters) and SLC for a summer (also b/c I can't handle winters there). Actually the plan was Co Springs and Boulder, but Boulder was replaced by my odd change of priorities this last couple years. (I know, that's a huge difference in cities, lol). Hmm. I might change my mind about SLC next year and maybe wish I went this year, but maybe not. I think this is a good plan. Now, I can pack and make plans for the time I’m here and there.


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