Wednesday, January 03, 2007

So, I have no idea when to go to the doctor. Every time I think I’m going to die or have some horrible disease, the doctors don’t care. They write me a prescription for whatever I self diagnose myself with, without even looking at my problem. “So, you think you have strep eh? Ok, here’s some antibiotics”. What happened after that?- Allergic reaction to penicillin. That’s super. Don’t even know if I had strep to begin with. Then, every time I go in or mention something little- they freak out! They tell me I should have come in long ago. They run ultrasounds, x-rays, blood tests, etc. What do they find out with all those tests?- That I have health problems from stress. Just freakin stress! I could have told them that. Also, I’ve had so many doctors tell my mom my results and not me, even if she didn’t come in with me and I’m over 21 and they promised confidentiality.

Over reacting doctor (appointment before this):
Dr: “So you passed out? That’s horrible, you should have gone to the hospital.”
Me: “I’m fine, it happens because of stress and too much coffee”
Dr: “I think you have a heart murmur, give us $20 and we’ll check it out.”
Me: “ok”
Dr: “Well, turns out you have a mild one, not a big deal. Stop drinking coffee.”
Me: “That’s what I said $40 ago!”

I’m taking a class on why people should trust science more and not prayer or metaphysical stuff. I’m not convinced. Science is good and all, but I’ve been failed by psychologists, doctors, and other technology more than my “illogical” self medicating, old fashion treatments, prayer, blessings, rituals, or any other mystical healing practices. Tarot, rituals, and blessings have helped more than psychologists. Not drinking milk helped more than years of allergy pills. I’ve taken pills that have made me sick for months to clear up problems that other meds created. So, tonight, I will take some medicine, but I’m praying, drinking blessed water, and doing meditative healing practices too. If that doesn’t work- different doctor, and hope that helps.


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