Thursday, May 19, 2005

I started work at the pizza place today. I cut pizzas most of today. One of my bosses really really rocks! He's really sweet and didn't make me feel totally stupid about my mistakes. There are two really cool girls. They helped me out a lot. There are some nice high school boys there too. The girls are definitely the most competent workers though, lol. There are four guys that work in the back, three of which were kind of icky. They kept making comments at me like, "Momisita" "ochy-wa-wa", and other annoying things. I didn't want to yell at them since it's my first day and I don't know much spanish. I ignored them and pretended like I didn't know who they were talking about. The one guy in the back who wasn't yelling out stuff got a lot of points for being more of a gentleman.
I got a long break inbetween my shifts, so I came home, ate some lunch, did yoga, watched the shows I Tivoed, and went back to work. After work I talked to one of my roommates briefly. She seems cool. Then I went to Wendy's to celebrating the first day of work. I tried calling the cute guy. I called his cell phone from my cell phone- so the reception wasn't great. He couldn't hear anything I said though and I had to just hang up (I kept hearing him say "hello?"). I tried calling him back, but he didn't answer. I hope he doesn't realize it's me and think that I was calling him but just not talking, or something creepy like that. I thought that it might have helped that I did try to call back once.


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