Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I felt so much better when my parents were gone. When they came back, I realized again how much they stress me out. My mom has been yelling at me to do so many stupid, pointless things. I dread when I hear her walking up the stairs b/c I know she's coming up to yell at me or wake me up. I'm so tense, nervous, and stressed. I'm at the point that absolutely everything annoys me, not just them. I want to lock myself in my room and not come out, but that wont stop them from bugging me. I can't wait for school to start again. I'm so much happier on my own. I even feel so much better about myself. My parents are constantly telling me what I'm doing wrong and what is wrong with me. I've been learning, this year,how to be less stressed and obsessive and worrisome- but it's hard to do that while living with them. Bob Marley would get pissed off and stressed in this house. I hate to complain about them so much, but they are so unbelievably bad. They also control so much of my life that I don't have much else to talk about right now.


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